Source: ZegoExpressDefines.js

 * Application scenario.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoScenario =
     * @description General scenario
    General: 0,
     * @description Communication scenario
    Communication: 1,
     * @description Live scenario
    Live: 2,

 * Language.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoLanguage =
     * @description English
    English: 0,
     * @description Chinese
    Chinese: 1,

 * engine state.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoEngineState =
     * @description The engine has started
    Start: 0,
     * @description The engine has stoped
    Stop: 1,

 * Room state.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoRoomState =
     * @description Unconnected state, enter this state before logging in and after exiting the room. If there is a steady state abnormality in the process of logging in to the room, such as AppID and AppSign are incorrect, or if the same user name is logged in elsewhere and the local end is KickOut, it will enter this state.
    Disconnected: 0,
     * @description The state that the connection is being requested. It will enter this state after successful execution login room function. The display of the UI is usually performed using this state. If the connection is interrupted due to poor network quality, the SDK will perform an internal retry and will return to the requesting connection status.
    Connecting: 1,
     * @description The status that is successfully connected. Entering this status indicates that the login to the room has been successful. The user can receive the callback notification of the user and the stream information in the room.
    Connected: 2,

 * Publish channel.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoPublishChannel =
     * @description Main publish channel, default publish channel.
    Main: 0,
     * @description Auxiliary publish channel
    Aux: 1,
     * @description The third publish channel
    Third: 2,
     * @description The fourth publish channel
    Fourth: 3,

 * Video rendering fill mode.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoViewMode =
     * @description The proportional scaling up, there may be black borders
    AspectFit: 0,
     * @description The proportional zoom fills the entire View and may be partially cut
    AspectFill: 1,
     * @description Fill the entire view, the image may be stretched
    ScaleToFill: 2,

 * Mirror mode for previewing or playing the of the stream.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoVideoMirrorMode =
     * @description The mirror image only for previewing locally. This mode is used by default.
    OnlyPreviewMirror: 0,
     * @description Both the video previewed locally and the far end playing the stream will see mirror image.
    BothMirror: 1,
     * @description Both the video previewed locally and the far end playing the stream will not see mirror image.
    NoMirror: 2,
     * @description The mirror image only for far end playing the stream.
    OnlyPublishMirror: 3,

 * SEI type
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoSEIType =
     * @description Using H.264 SEI (nalu type = 6, payload type = 243) type packaging, this type is not specified by the SEI standard, there is no conflict with the video encoder or the SEI in the video file, users do not need to follow the SEI content Do filtering, SDK uses this type by default.
    ZegoDefined: 0,
     * @description SEI (nalu type = 6, payload type = 5) of H.264 is used for packaging. The H.264 standard has a prescribed format for this type: startcode + nalu type (6) + payload type (5) + len + payload (uuid + content) + trailing bits. Because the video encoder itself generates an SEI with a payload type of 5, or when a video file is used for streaming, such SEI may also exist in the video file, so when using this type, the user needs to use uuid + context as a buffer sending SEI. At this time, in order to distinguish the SEI generated by the video encoder itself, when the App sends this type of SEI, it can fill in the service-specific uuid (uuid length is 16 bytes). When the receiver uses the SDK to parse the SEI of the payload type 5, it will set filter string filters out the SEI matching the uuid and throws it to the business. If the filter string is not set, the SDK will throw all received SEI to the developer. uuid filter string setting function, [ZegoEngineConfig.advancedConfig("unregister_sei_filter","XXXXXX")], where unregister_sei_filter is the key, and XXXXX is the uuid filter string to be set.
    UserUnregister: 1,

 * Publish stream status.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoPublisherState =
     * @description The state is not published, and it is in this state before publishing the stream. If a steady-state exception occurs in the publish process, such as AppID and AppSign are incorrect, or if other users are already publishing the stream, there will be a failure and enter this state.
    NoPublish: 0,
     * @description The state that it is requesting to publish the stream after the [startPublishingStream] function is successfully called. The UI is usually displayed through this state. If the connection is interrupted due to poor network quality, the SDK will perform an internal retry and will return to the requesting state.
    PublishRequesting: 1,
     * @description The state that the stream is being published, entering the state indicates that the stream has been successfully published, and the user can communicate normally.
    Publishing: 2,

 * Voice changer preset value.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoVoiceChangerPreset =
     * @description No Voice changer
    None: 0,
     * @description Male to child voice (loli voice effect)
    MenToChild: 1,
     * @description Male to female voice (kindergarten voice effect)
    MenToWomen: 2,
     * @description Female to child voice
    WomenToChild: 3,
     * @description Female to male voice
    WomenToMen: 4,
     * @description Foreigner voice effect
    Foreigner: 5,
     * @description Autobot Optimus Prime voice effect
    OptimusPrime: 6,
     * @description Android robot voice effect
    Android: 7,
     * @description Ethereal voice effect
    Ethereal: 8,
     * @description Magnetic(Male) voice effect
    MaleMagnetic: 9,
     * @description Fresh(Female) voice effect
    FemaleFresh: 10,
     * @description Electronic effects in C major voice effect
    MajorC: 11,
     * @description Electronic effects in A minor voice effect
    MinorA: 12,
     * @description Electronic effects in harmonic minor voice effect
    HarmonicMinor: 13,

 * Reverberation preset value.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoReverbPreset =
     * @description No Reverberation
    None: 0,
     * @description Soft room reverb effect
    SoftRoom: 1,
     * @description Large room reverb effect
    LargeRoom: 2,
     * @description Concert hall reverb effect
    ConcertHall: 3,
     * @description Valley reverb effect
    Valley: 4,
     * @description Recording studio reverb effect
    RecordingStudio: 5,
     * @description Basement reverb effect
    Basement: 6,
     * @description KTV reverb effect
    KTV: 7,
     * @description Popular reverb effect
    Popular: 8,
     * @description Rock reverb effect
    Rock: 9,
     * @description Vocal concert reverb effect
    VocalConcert: 10,
     * @description Gramophone reverb effect
    GramoPhone: 11,

 * Video configuration resolution and bitrate preset enumeration. The preset resolutions are adapted for mobile and desktop. On mobile, height is longer than width, and desktop is the opposite. For example, 1080p is actually 1080(w) x 1920(h) on mobile and 1920(w) x 1080(h) on desktop.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoVideoConfigPreset =
     * @description Set the resolution to 320x180, the default is 15 fps, the code rate is 300 kbps
    Preset180P: 0,
     * @description Set the resolution to 480x270, the default is 15 fps, the code rate is 400 kbps
    Preset270P: 1,
     * @description Set the resolution to 640x360, the default is 15 fps, the code rate is 600 kbps
    Preset360P: 2,
     * @description Set the resolution to 960x540, the default is 15 fps, the code rate is 1200 kbps
    Preset540P: 3,
     * @description Set the resolution to 1280x720, the default is 15 fps, the code rate is 1500 kbps
    Preset720P: 4,
     * @description Set the resolution to 1920x1080, the default is 15 fps, the code rate is 3000 kbps
    Preset1080P: 5,

 * Stream quality level.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoStreamQualityLevel =
     * @description Excellent
    Excellent: 0,
     * @description Good
    Good: 1,
     * @description Normal
    Medium: 2,
     * @description Bad
    Bad: 3,
     * @description Failed
    Die: 4,
     * @description Unknown
    Unknown: 5,

 * Audio channel type.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoAudioChannel =
     * @description Unknown
    Unknown: 0,
     * @description Mono
    Mono: 1,
     * @description Stereo
    Stereo: 2,

 * Audio capture stereo mode.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoAudioCaptureStereoMode =
     * @description Disable capture stereo, i.e. capture mono
    None: 0,
     * @description Always enable capture stereo
    Always: 1,
     * @description Adaptive mode, capture stereo when publishing stream only, capture mono when publishing and playing stream (e.g. talk/intercom scenes)
    Adaptive: 2,

 * Audio Codec ID.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoAudioCodecID =
     * @description default
    Default: 0,
     * @description Normal
    Normal: 1,
     * @description Normal2
    Normal2: 2,
     * @description Normal3
    Normal3: 3,
     * @description Low
    Low: 4,
     * @description Low2
    Low2: 5,
     * @description Low3
    Low3: 6,

 * Video codec ID.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoVideoCodecID =
     * @description Default (H.264)
    Default: 0,
     * @description Scalable Video Coding (H.264 SVC)
    SVC: 1,
     * @description VP8
    VP8: 2,
     * @description H.265
    H265: 3,

 * Player video layer.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoPlayerVideoLayer =
     * @description The layer to be played depends on the network status
    Auto: 0,
     * @description Play the base layer (small resolution)
    Base: 1,
     * @description Play the extend layer (big resolution)
    BaseExtend: 2,

 * Video stream type
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoVideoStreamType =
     * @description The type to be played depends on the network status
    Default: 0,
     * @description small resolution type
    Small: 1,
     * @description big resolution type
    Big: 2,

 * Audio echo cancellation mode.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoAECMode =
     * @description Aggressive echo cancellation may affect the sound quality slightly, but the echo will be very clean.
    Aggressive: 0,
     * @description Moderate echo cancellation, which may slightly affect a little bit of sound, but the residual echo will be less.
    Medium: 1,
     * @description Comfortable echo cancellation, that is, echo cancellation does not affect the sound quality of the sound, and sometimes there may be a little echo, but it will not affect the normal listening.
    Soft: 2,

 * Active Noise Suppression mode.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoANSMode =
     * @description Soft ANS. In most instances, the sound quality will not be damaged, but some noise will remain.
    Soft: 0,
     * @description Medium ANS. It may damage some sound quality, but it has a good noise reduction effect.
    Medium: 1,
     * @description Aggressive ANS. It may significantly impair the sound quality, but it has a good noise reduction effect.
    Aggressive: 2,

 * Traffic control property (bitmask enumeration).
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoTrafficControlProperty =
     * @description Basic (Adaptive (reduce) video bitrate)
    Basic: 0,
     * @description Adaptive (reduce) video FPS
    AdaptiveFPS: 1,
     * @description Adaptive (reduce) video resolution
    AdaptiveResolution: 1 << 1,
     * @description Adaptive (reduce) audio bitrate
    AdaptiveAudioBitrate: 1 << 2,

 * Video transmission mode when current bitrate is lower than the set minimum bitrate.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoTrafficControlMinVideoBitrateMode =
     * @description Stop video transmission when current bitrate is lower than the set minimum bitrate
    NoVideo: 0,
     * @description Video is sent at a very low frequency (no more than 2fps) which is lower than the set minimum bitrate
    UltraLowFPS: 1,

 * Factors that trigger traffic control
 * @enum {number}
 const ZegoTrafficControlFocusOnMode =
      * @description Focus only on the local network
     ZegoTrafficControlFounsOnLocalOnly: 0,
      * @description Pay attention to the local network, but also take into account the remote network, currently only effective in the 1v1 scenario
     ZegoTrafficControlFounsOnRemote: 1,

 * Playing stream status.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoPlayerState =
     * @description The state of the flow is not played, and it is in this state before the stream is played. If the steady flow anomaly occurs during the playing process, such as AppID and AppSign are incorrect, it will enter this state.
    NoPlay: 0,
     * @description The state that the stream is being requested for playing. After the [startPlayingStream] function is successfully called, it will enter the state. The UI is usually displayed through this state. If the connection is interrupted due to poor network quality, the SDK will perform an internal retry and will return to the requesting state.
    PlayRequesting: 1,
     * @description The state that the stream is being playing, entering the state indicates that the stream has been successfully played, and the user can communicate normally.
    Playing: 2,

 * Media event when playing.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoPlayerMediaEvent =
     * @description Audio stuck event when playing
    AudioBreakOccur: 0,
     * @description Audio stuck event recovery when playing
    AudioBreakResume: 1,
     * @description Video stuck event when playing
    VideoBreakOccur: 2,
     * @description Video stuck event recovery when playing
    VideoBreakResume: 3,

 * Stream Resource Mode
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoStreamResourceMode =
     * @description Default mode. The SDK will automatically select the streaming resource according to the cdnConfig parameters set by the player config and the ready-made background configuration.
    Default: 0,
     * @description Playing stream only from CDN.
    OnlyCDN: 1,
     * @description Playing stream only from L3.
    OnlyL3: 2,
     * @description Playing stream only from RTC.
    OnlyRTC: 3,

 * Update type.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoUpdateType =
     * @description Add
    Add: 0,
     * @description Delete
    Delete: 1,

 * State of CDN relay.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoStreamRelayCDNState =
     * @description The state indicates that there is no CDN relay
    NoRelay: 0,
     * @description The CDN relay is being requested
    RelayRequesting: 1,
     * @description Entering this status indicates that the CDN relay has been successful
    Relaying: 2,

 * Reason for state of CDN relay changed.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoStreamRelayCDNUpdateReason =
     * @description No error
    None: 0,
     * @description Server error
    ServerError: 1,
     * @description Handshake error
    HandshakeFailed: 2,
     * @description Access point error
    AccessPointError: 3,
     * @description Stream create failure
    CreateStreamFailed: 4,
     * @description Bad name
    BadName: 5,
     * @description CDN server actively disconnected
    CDNServerDisconnected: 6,
     * @description Active disconnect
    Disconnected: 7,
     * @description All mixer input streams sessions closed
    MixStreamAllInputStreamClosed: 8,
     * @description All mixer input streams have no data
    MixStreamAllInputStreamNoData: 9,
     * @description Internal error of stream mixer server
    MixStreamServerInternalError: 10,

 * Remote device status.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoRemoteDeviceState =
     * @description Device on
    Open: 0,
     * @description General device error
    GenericError: 1,
     * @description Invalid device ID
    InvalidID: 2,
     * @description No permission
    NoAuthorization: 3,
     * @description Captured frame rate is 0
    ZeroFPS: 4,
     * @description The device is occupied
    InUseByOther: 5,
     * @description The device is not plugged in or unplugged
    Unplugged: 6,
     * @description The system needs to be restarted
    RebootRequired: 7,
     * @description System media services stop, such as under the iOS platform, when the system detects that the current pressure is huge (such as playing a lot of animation), it is possible to disable all media related services.
    SystemMediaServicesLost: 8,
     * @description Capturing disabled
    Disable: 9,
     * @description The remote device is muted
    Mute: 10,
     * @description The device is interrupted, such as a phone call interruption, etc.
    Interruption: 11,
     * @description There are multiple apps at the same time in the foreground, such as the iPad app split screen, the system will prohibit all apps from using the camera.
    InBackground: 12,
     * @description CDN server actively disconnected
    MultiForegroundApp: 13,
     * @description The system is under high load pressure and may cause abnormal equipment.
    BySystemPressure: 14,
     * @description The remote device is not supported to publish the device state.
    NotSupport: 15,

 * Audio device type.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoAudioDeviceType =
     * @description Audio input type
    Input: 0,
     * @description Audio output type
    Output: 1,

 * Audio route
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoAudioRoute =
     * @description Speaker
    Speaker: 0,
     * @description Headphone
    Headphone: 1,
     * @description Bluetooth device
    Bluetooth: 2,
     * @description Receiver
    Receiver: 3,
     * @description External USB audio device
    ExternalUSB: 4,
     * @description Apple AirPlay
    AirPlay: 5,

 * Mix stream content type.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoMixerInputContentType =
     * @description Mix stream for audio only
    Audio: 0,
     * @description Mix stream for both audio and video
    Video: 1,
     * @description Mix stream for video only
    VideoOnly: 2,

 * Capture pipeline scale mode.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoCapturePipelineScaleMode =
     * @description Zoom immediately after acquisition, default
    Pre: 0,
     * @description Scaling while encoding
    Post: 1,

 * Video frame format.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoVideoFrameFormat =
     * @description Unknown format, will take platform default
    Unknown: 0,
     * @description I420 (YUV420Planar) format
    I420: 1,
     * @description NV12 (YUV420SemiPlanar) format
    NV12: 2,
     * @description NV21 (YUV420SemiPlanar) format
    NV21: 3,
     * @description BGRA32 format
    BGRA32: 4,
     * @description RGBA32 format
    RGBA32: 5,
     * @description ARGB32 format
    ARGB32: 6,
     * @description ABGR32 format
    ABGR32: 7,
     * @description I422 (YUV422Planar) format
    I422: 8,

 * Video frame buffer type.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoVideoBufferType =
     * @description Raw data type video frame
    Unknown: 0,
     * @description Raw data type video frame
    RawData: 1,
     * @description Encoded data type video frame
    EncodedData: 2,
     * @description Texture 2D type video frame
    GLTexture2D: 3,
     * @description CVPixelBuffer type video frame
    CVPixelBuffer: 4,
     * @description Surface Texture type video frame
    SurfaceTexture: 5,
     * @description GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES type video frame
    GLTextureExternalOES: 6,

 * Video frame format series.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoVideoFrameFormatSeries =
     * @description RGB series
    RGB: 0,
     * @description YUV series
    YUV: 1,

 * Video frame flip mode.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoVideoFlipMode =
     * @description No flip
    None: 0,
     * @description X-axis flip
    X: 1,
     * @description Y-axis flip
    Y: 2,
     * @description X-Y-axis flip
    XY: 3,

 * Audio Config Preset.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoAudioConfigPreset =
     * @description Basic sound quality (16 kbps, Mono, ZegoAudioCodecIDDefault)
    BasicQuality: 0,
     * @description Standard sound quality (48 kbps, Mono, ZegoAudioCodecIDDefault)
    StandardQuality: 1,
     * @description Standard sound quality (56 kbps, Stereo, ZegoAudioCodecIDDefault)
    StandardQualityStereo: 2,
     * @description High sound quality (128 kbps, Mono, ZegoAudioCodecIDDefault)
    HighQuality: 3,
     * @description High sound quality (192 kbps, Stereo, ZegoAudioCodecIDDefault)
    HighQualityStereo: 4,

 * Player state.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoMediaPlayerState =
     * @description Not playing
    NoPlay: 0,
     * @description Playing
    Playing: 1,
     * @description Pausing
    Pausing: 2,
     * @description End of play
    PlayEnded: 3,

 * Player network event.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoMediaPlayerNetworkEvent =
     * @description Network resources are not playing well, and start trying to cache data
    BufferBegin: 0,
     * @description Network resources can be played smoothly
    BufferEnded: 1,

 * Audio channel.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoMediaPlayerAudioChannel =
     * @description Audio channel left
    Left: 0,
     * @description Audio channel right
    Right: 1,
     * @description Audio channel all
    All: 2,

 * AudioEffectPlayer state.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoAudioEffectPlayState =
     * @description Not playing
    NoPlay: 0,
     * @description Playing
    Playing: 1,
     * @description Pausing
    Pausing: 2,
     * @description End of play
    PlayEnded: 3,

 * Record type.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoDataRecordType =
     * @description This field indicates that the Express-Audio SDK records audio by default, and the Express-Video SDK records audio and video by default. When recording files in .aac format, audio is also recorded by default.
    Default: 0,
     * @description only record audio
    OnlyAudio: 1,
     * @description only record video, Audio SDK and recording .aac format files are invalid.
    OnlyVideo: 2,
     * @description record audio and video. Express-Audio SDK and .aac format files are recorded only audio.
    AudioAndVideo: 3,

 * Record state.
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoDataRecordState =
     * @description Unrecorded state, which is the state when a recording error occurs or before recording starts.
    NoRecord: 0,
     * @description Recording in progress, in this state after successfully call [startRecordingCapturedData] function
    Recording: 1,
     * @description Record successs
    Success: 2,

 * Network mode
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoNetworkMode =
     * @description Offline (No network)
    Offline: 0,
     * @description Unknown network mode
    Unknown: 1,
     * @description Wired Ethernet (LAN)
    Ethernet: 2,
     * @description Wi-Fi (WLAN)
    Wifi: 3,
     * @description 2G Network (GPRS/EDGE/CDMA1x/etc.)
    Mode2G: 4,
     * @description 3G Network (WCDMA/HSDPA/EVDO/etc.)
    Mode3G: 5,
     * @description 4G Network (LTE)
    Mode4G: 6,
     * @description 5G Network (NR (NSA/SA))
    Mode5G: 7,

 * network speed test type
 * @enum {number}
const ZegoNetworkSpeedTestType =
     * @description uplink
    Uplink: 0,
     * @description downlink
    Downlink: 1,

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoLogConfig - Log config.
 * @property {string} logPath - Log file save path
 * @property {number} logSize - The maximum log file size (Bytes). The default maximum size is 5MB (5 * 1024 * 1024 Bytes)

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoEngineProfile - Profile for create engine
 * @property {number} appID - Application ID issued by ZEGO for developers, please apply from the ZEGO Admin Console The value ranges from 0 to 4294967295.
 * @property {string} appSign - Application signature for each AppID, please apply from the ZEGO Admin Console. Application signature is a 64 character string. Each character has a range of '0' ~ '9', 'a' ~ 'z'.
 * @property {ZegoScenario} scenario - The application scenario. Developers can choose one of ZegoScenario based on the scenario of the app they are developing, and the engine will preset a more general setting for specific scenarios based on the set scenario. After setting specific scenarios, developers can still call specific functions to set specific parameters if they have customized parameter settings.

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoEngineConfig - Advanced engine configuration.
 * @property {ZegoLogConfig} logConfig - Log configuration, if not set, use the default configuration. It must be set before calling [createEngine] to take effect. If it is set after [createEngine], it will take effect at the next [createEngine] after [destroyEngine].
 * @property {map<string, string>} advancedConfig - Other special function switches, if not set, no special function will be used by default. Please contact ZEGO technical support before use.

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoRoomConfig - Advanced room configuration.
 * @property {number} maxMemberCount - The maximum number of users in the room, Passing 0 means unlimited, the default is unlimited.
 * @property {boolean} isUserStatusNotify - Whether to enable the user in and out of the room callback notification [onRoomUserUpdate], the default is off. If developers need to use ZEGO Room user notifications, make sure that each user who login sets this flag to true
 * @property {string} token - The token issued by the developer's business server is used to ensure security. The generation rules are detailed in Room Login Authentication Description Default is empty string, that is, no authentication

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoVideoConfig - Video config.
 * @property {number} captureWidth - Capture resolution width, control the width of camera image acquisition. SDK requires this member to be set to an even number. Only the camera is not started and the custom video capture is not used, the setting is effective. For performance reasons, the SDK scales the video frame to the encoding resolution after capturing from camera and before rendering to the preview view. Therefore, the resolution of the preview image is the encoding resolution. If you need the resolution of the preview image to be this value, Please call [setCapturePipelineScaleMode] first to change the capture pipeline scale mode to [Post]
 * @property {number} captureHeight - Capture resolution height, control the height of camera image acquisition. SDK requires this member to be set to an even number. Only the camera is not started and the custom video capture is not used, the setting is effective. For performance reasons, the SDK scales the video frame to the encoding resolution after capturing from camera and before rendering to the preview view. Therefore, the resolution of the preview image is the encoding resolution. If you need the resolution of the preview image to be this value, Please call [setCapturePipelineScaleMode] first to change the capture pipeline scale mode to [Post]
 * @property {number} encodeWidth - Encode resolution width, control the image width of the encoder when publishing stream. SDK requires this member to be set to an even number. The settings before and after publishing stream can be effective
 * @property {number} encodeHeight - Encode resolution height, control the image height of the encoder when publishing stream. SDK requires this member to be set to an even number. The settings before and after publishing stream can be effective
 * @property {number} fps - Frame rate, control the frame rate of the camera and the frame rate of the encoder. Only the camera is not started, the setting is effective
 * @property {number} bitrate - Bit rate in kbps. The settings before and after publishing stream can be effective
 * @property {ZegoVideoCodecID} codecID - The codec id to be used, the default value is [default]. Settings only take effect before publishing stream

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoSEIConfig - SEI configuration
 * @property {ZegoSEIType} type - SEI type

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoVoiceChangerParam - Voice changer parameter.
 * @property {number} pitch - Pitch parameter, value range [-8.0, 8.0], the larger the value, the sharper the sound, set it to 0.0 to turn off. Note that the voice changer effect is only valid for the captured sound.

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoReverbParam - Audio reverberation parameters.
 * @property {number} roomSize - Room size, in the range [0.0, 1.0], to control the size of the "room" in which the reverb is generated, the larger the room, the stronger the reverb.
 * @property {number} reverberance - Echo, in the range [0.0, 0.5], to control the trailing length of the reverb.
 * @property {number} damping - Reverb Damping, range [0.0, 2.0], controls the attenuation of the reverb, the higher the damping, the higher the attenuation.
 * @property {number} dryWetRatio - Dry/wet ratio, the range is greater than or equal to 0.0, to control the ratio between reverberation, direct sound and early reflections; dry part is set to 1 by default; the smaller the dry/wet ratio, the larger the wet ratio, the stronger the reverberation effect.

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoReverbAdvancedParam - Audio reverberation advanced parameters.
 * @property {number} roomSize - Room size(%), in the range [0.0, 1.0], to control the size of the "room" in which the reverb is generated, the larger the room, the stronger the reverb.
 * @property {number} reverberance - Echo(%), in the range [0.0, 100.0], to control the trailing length of the reverb.
 * @property {number} damping - Reverb Damping(%), range [0.0, 100.0], controls the attenuation of the reverb, the higher the damping, the higher the attenuation.
 * @property {boolean} wetOnly - only wet
 * @property {number} wetGain - wet gain(dB), range [-20.0, 10.0]
 * @property {number} dryGain - dry gain(dB), range [-20.0, 10.0]
 * @property {number} toneLow - Tone Low. 100% by default
 * @property {number} toneHigh - Tone High. 100% by default
 * @property {number} preDelay - PreDelay(ms), range [0.0, 200.0]
 * @property {number} stereoWidth - Stereo Width(%). 0% by default

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoReverbEchoParam - Audio reverberation echo parameters.
 * @property {number} inGain - Gain of input audio signal, in the range [0.0, 1.0]
 * @property {number} outGain - Gain of output audio signal, in the range [0.0, 1.0]
 * @property {number} numDelays - Number of echos, in the range [0, 7]
 * @property {number[]} delay - Respective delay of echo signal, in milliseconds, in the range [0, 5000] ms
 * @property {number[]} decay - Respective decay coefficient of echo signal, in the range [0.0, 1.0]

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoUser - User object.
 * @property {string} userID - User ID, a string with a maximum length of 64 bytes or less.Please do not fill in sensitive user information in this field, including but not limited to mobile phone number, ID number, passport number, real name, etc. Only support numbers, English characters and '~', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '+', '=', '-', '`', ';', '’', ',', '.', '<', '>', '/', '\'.
 * @property {string} userName - User Name, a string with a maximum length of 256 bytes or less.Please do not fill in sensitive user information in this field, including but not limited to mobile phone number, ID number, passport number, real name, etc.

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoStream - Stream object.
 * @property {ZegoUser} user - User object instance.Please do not fill in sensitive user information in this field, including but not limited to mobile phone number, ID number, passport number, real name, etc.
 * @property {string} streamID - Stream ID, a string of up to 256 characters. You cannot include URL keywords, otherwise publishing stream and playing stream will fails. Only support numbers, English characters and '~', '!', '@', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '+', '=', '-', '`', ';', '’', ',', '.', '<', '>', '/', '\'.
 * @property {string} extraInfo - Stream extra info

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoRoomExtraInfo - Room extra information.
 * @property {string} key - The key of the room extra information.
 * @property {string} value - The value of the room extra information.
 * @property {ZegoUser} updateUser - The user who update the room extra information.Please do not fill in sensitive user information in this field, including but not limited to mobile phone number, ID number, passport number, real name, etc.
 * @property {number} updateTime - Update time of the room extra information, UNIX timestamp, in milliseconds.

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoRect - View related coordinates.
 * @property {number} x - The horizontal offset from the top-left corner
 * @property {number} y - The vertical offset from the top-left corner
 * @property {number} width - The width of the rectangle
 * @property {number} height - The height of the rectangle

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoView - View object.
 * @property {ZegoViewMode} viewMode - View mode, default is ZegoViewModeAspectFit
 * @property {number} backgroundColor - Background color, the format is 0xRRGGBB, default is black, which is 0x000000
 * @property {canvas} canvas - html canvas element
 * @property {boolean} preserveDrawingBuffer - webgl context preserve drawing buffer

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoPublishStreamQuality - Published stream quality information.
 * @property {number} videoCaptureFPS - Video capture frame rate. The unit of frame rate is f/s
 * @property {number} videoEncodeFPS - Video encoding frame rate. The unit of frame rate is f/s
 * @property {number} videoSendFPS - Video transmission frame rate. The unit of frame rate is f/s
 * @property {number} videoKBPS - Video bit rate in kbps
 * @property {number} audioCaptureFPS - Audio capture frame rate. The unit of frame rate is f/s
 * @property {number} audioSendFPS - Audio transmission frame rate. The unit of frame rate is f/s
 * @property {number} audioKBPS - Audio bit rate in kbps
 * @property {number} rtt - Local to server delay, in milliseconds
 * @property {number} packetLostRate - Packet loss rate, in percentage, 0.0 ~ 1.0
 * @property {ZegoStreamQualityLevel} level - Published stream quality level
 * @property {boolean} isHardwareEncode - Whether to enable hardware encoding
 * @property {ZegoVideoCodecID} videoCodecID - Video codec ID
 * @property {number} totalSendBytes - Total number of bytes sent, including audio, video, SEI
 * @property {number} audioSendBytes - Number of audio bytes sent
 * @property {number} videoSendBytes - Number of video bytes sent

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoCDNConfig - CDN config object.
 * @property {string} url - CDN URL
 * @property {string} authParam - Auth param of URL

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoStreamRelayCDNInfo - Relay to CDN info.
 * @property {string} url - URL of publishing stream to CDN
 * @property {ZegoStreamRelayCDNState} state - State of relaying to CDN
 * @property {ZegoStreamRelayCDNUpdateReason} updateReason - Reason for relay state changed
 * @property {number} stateTime - The timestamp when the state changed, UNIX timestamp, in milliseconds.

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoPlayerConfig - Advanced player configuration.
 * @property {ZegoStreamResourceMode} resourceMode - Stream resource mode
 * @property {ZegoCDNConfig} cdnConfig - The CDN configuration for playing stream. If set, the stream is play according to the URL instead of the streamID. After that, the streamID is only used as the ID of SDK internal callback.
 * @property {ZegoPlayerVideoLayer} videoLayer - Set the video layer for playing the stream

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoPlayStreamQuality - Played stream quality information.
 * @property {number} videoRecvFPS - Video receiving frame rate. The unit of frame rate is f/s
 * @property {number} videoDejitterFPS - Video dejitter frame rate. The unit of frame rate is f/s
 * @property {number} videoDecodeFPS - Video decoding frame rate. The unit of frame rate is f/s
 * @property {number} videoRenderFPS - Video rendering frame rate. The unit of frame rate is f/s
 * @property {number} videoKBPS - Video bit rate in kbps
 * @property {number} videoBreakRate - Video break rate, the unit is (number of breaks / every 10 seconds)
 * @property {number} audioRecvFPS - Audio receiving frame rate. The unit of frame rate is f/s
 * @property {number} audioDejitterFPS - Audio dejitter frame rate. The unit of frame rate is f/s
 * @property {number} audioDecodeFPS - Audio decoding frame rate. The unit of frame rate is f/s
 * @property {number} audioRenderFPS - Audio rendering frame rate. The unit of frame rate is f/s
 * @property {number} audioKBPS - Audio bit rate in kbps
 * @property {number} audioBreakRate - Audio break rate, the unit is (number of breaks / every 10 seconds)
 * @property {number} rtt - Server to local delay, in milliseconds
 * @property {number} packetLostRate - Packet loss rate, in percentage, 0.0 ~ 1.0
 * @property {number} peerToPeerDelay - Delay from peer to peer, in milliseconds
 * @property {number} peerToPeerPacketLostRate - Packet loss rate from peer to peer, in percentage, 0.0 ~ 1.0
 * @property {ZegoStreamQualityLevel} level - Published stream quality level
 * @property {number} delay - Delay after the data is received by the local end, in milliseconds
 * @property {number} avTimestampDiff - The difference between the video timestamp and the audio timestamp, used to reflect the synchronization of audio and video, in milliseconds. This value is less than 0 means the number of milliseconds that the video leads the audio, greater than 0 means the number of milliseconds that the video lags the audio, and 0 means no difference. When the absolute value is less than 200, it can basically be regarded as synchronized audio and video, when the absolute value is greater than 200 for 10 consecutive seconds, it can be regarded as abnormal
 * @property {boolean} isHardwareDecode - Whether to enable hardware decoding
 * @property {ZegoVideoCodecID} videoCodecID - Video codec ID
 * @property {number} totalRecvBytes - Total number of bytes received, including audio, video, SEI
 * @property {number} audioRecvBytes - Number of audio bytes received
 * @property {number} videoRecvBytes - Number of video bytes received

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoDeviceInfo - Device Info.
 * @property {string} deviceID - Device ID
 * @property {string} deviceName - Device name

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoPerformanceStatus - System performance monitoring status
 * @property {number} cpuUsageApp - Current CPU usage of the app, value range [0, 1]
 * @property {number} cpuUsageSystem - Current CPU usage of the system, value range [0, 1]
 * @property {number} memoryUsageApp - Current memory usage of the app, value range [0, 1]
 * @property {number} memoryUsageSystem - Current memory usage of the system, value range [0, 1]
 * @property {number} memoryUsedApp - Current memory used of the app, in MB

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoMixerAudioConfig - Mix stream audio configuration.
 * @property {number} bitrate - Audio bitrate in kbps, default is 48 kbps, cannot be modified after starting a mixer task
 * @property {ZegoAudioChannel} channel - Audio channel, default is Mono
 * @property {ZegoAudioCodecID} codecID - codec ID, default is ZegoAudioCodecIDDefault

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoMixerVideoConfig - Mix stream video config object.
 * @property {number} width - Video resolution width
 * @property {number} height - Video resolution height
 * @property {number} fps - Video FPS, cannot be modified after starting a mixer task
 * @property {number} bitrate - Video bitrate in kbps

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoMixerInput - Mixer input.
 * @property {string} streamID - Stream ID, a string of up to 256 characters. You cannot include URL keywords, otherwise publishing stream and playing stream will fails. Only support numbers, English characters and '~', '!', '@', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '+', '=', '-', '`', ';', '’', ',', '.', '<', '>', '/', '\'.
 * @property {ZegoMixerInputContentType} contentType - Mix stream content type
 * @property {ZegoRect} layout - Stream layout. When the mixed stream is an audio stream (that is, the ContentType parameter is set to the audio mixed stream type), the layout field is not processed inside the SDK, and there is no need to pay attention to this parameter.
 * @property {number} soundLevelID - If enable soundLevel in mix stream task, an unique soundLevelID is need for every stream
 * @property {boolean} isAudioFocus - Whether the focus voice is enabled in the current input stream, the sound of this stream will be highlighted if enabled

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoMixerOutput - Mixer output object.
 * @property {string} target - Mix stream output target, URL or stream ID, if set to be URL format, only RTMP URL surpported, for example rtmp://xxxxxxxx

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoWatermark - Watermark object.
 * @property {string} imageURL - Watermark image URL, only png or jpg format surpport.
 * @property {ZegoRect} layout - Watermark image layout

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoMixerTask - Mix stream task object.
 * @property {string} taskID - The task ID of the task
 * @property {ZegoMixerInput[]} inputList - The input list of the task
 * @property {ZegoMixerOutput[]} outputList - The output list of the task
 * @property {ZegoMixerVideoConfig} videoConfig - The audio config of the task
 * @property {ZegoMixerAudioConfig} audioConfig - The audio config of the task
 * @property {ZegoWatermark} watermark - The watermark of the task
 * @property {string} backgroundImageURL - The background image URL of the task
 * @property {boolean} enableSoundLevel - Enable or disable sound level callback for the task. If enabled, then the remote player can get the soundLevel of every stream in the inputlist by [onMixerSoundLevelUpdate] callback.
 * @property {map<string, string>} advancedConfig - Set advanced configuration, such as specifying video encoding and others. If you need to use it, contact ZEGO technical support.

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoBroadcastMessageInfo - Broadcast message info.
 * @property {string} message - message content
 * @property {number} messageID - message id
 * @property {number} sendTime - Message send time, UNIX timestamp, in milliseconds.
 * @property {ZegoUser} fromUser - Message sender.Please do not fill in sensitive user information in this field, including but not limited to mobile phone number, ID number, passport number, real name, etc.

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoBarrageMessageInfo - Barrage message info.
 * @property {string} message - message content
 * @property {string} messageID - message id
 * @property {number} sendTime - Message send time, UNIX timestamp, in milliseconds.
 * @property {ZegoUser} fromUser - Message sender.Please do not fill in sensitive user information in this field, including but not limited to mobile phone number, ID number, passport number, real name, etc.

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoAudioConfig - Audio configuration.
 * @property {number} bitrate - Audio bitrate in kbps, default is 48 kbps. The settings before and after publishing stream can be effective
 * @property {ZegoAudioChannel} channel - Audio channel, default is Mono. The setting only take effect before publishing stream
 * @property {ZegoAudioCodecID} codecID - codec ID, default is ZegoAudioCodecIDDefault. The setting only take effect before publishing stream

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoDataRecordConfig - Record config.
 * @property {string} filePath - The path to save the recording file, absolute path, need to include the file name, the file name need to specify the suffix, currently supports .mp4/.flv/.aac format files, if multiple recording for the same path, will overwrite the file with the same name. The maximum length should be less than 1024 bytes.
 * @property {ZegoDataRecordType} recordType - Type of recording media

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoDataRecordProgress - File recording progress.
 * @property {number} duration - Current recording duration in milliseconds
 * @property {number} currentFileSize - Current recording file size in byte

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoNetworkSpeedTestConfig - Network speed test config
 * @property {boolean} testUplink - Test uplink or not
 * @property {number} expectedUplinkBitrate - The unit is kbps. Recommended to use the bitrate in ZegoVideoConfig when call startPublishingStream to determine whether the network uplink environment is suitable.
 * @property {boolean} testDownlink - Test downlink or not
 * @property {number} expectedDownlinkBitrate - The unit is kbps. Recommended to use the bitrate in ZegoVideoConfig when call startPublishingStream to determine whether the network downlink environment is suitable.

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoNetworkSpeedTestQuality - network speed test quality
 * @property {number} connectCost - Time to connect to the server, in milliseconds. During the speed test, if the network connection is disconnected, it will automatically initiate a reconnection, and this variable will be updated accordingly.
 * @property {number} rtt - rtt, in milliseconds
 * @property {number} packetLostRate - packet lost rate. in percentage, 0.0 ~ 1.0

 * @typedef {Object} ZegoAudioEffectPlayConfig - AudioEffectPlayer play configuration.
 * @property {number} playCount - The number of play counts. When set to 0, it will play in an infinite loop until the user invoke [stop]. The default is 1, which means it will play only once.
 * @property {boolean} isPublishOut - Whether to mix audio effects into the publishing stream, the default is false.

module.exports = {