Declared in ZegoExpressSDK.h


Public-Static-Func Lists

  • createEngine - Create engine singleton instance.
  • destroyEngine - Destroy engine singleton object asynchronously.
  • getEngine - Returns engine singleton instance.
  • setEngineConfig - Set the advanced engine configuration, which will only take effect before create engine.
  • getVersion - Get SDK version number.
  • setAndroidEnv - Set JVM and Context for Android platform.

Public-Static-Func Docs


public IZegoExpressEngine * createEngine (unsigned int appID, const std::string & appSign, bool isTestEnv, ZegoScenario scenario, std::shared_ptr< IZegoEventHandler > eventHandler)

Create engine singleton instance.

appID Application ID issued by ZEGO for developers, please apply from the ZEGO Admin Console . The value ranges from 0 to 4294967295.
appSign Application signature for each AppID, please apply from the ZEGO Admin Console. Application signature is a 64 character string. Each character has a range of '0' ~ '9', 'a' ~ 'z'.
isTestEnv Choose to use a test environment or a formal commercial environment, the formal environment needs to submit work order configuration in the ZEGO management console. The test environment is for test development, with a limit of 30 rooms and 230 users. Official environment App is officially launched. ZEGO will provide corresponding server resources according to the configuration records submitted by the developer in the management console. The test environment and the official environment are two sets of environments and cannot be interconnected.
scenario The application scenario. Developers can choose one of ZegoScenario based on the scenario of the app they are developing, and the engine will preset a more general setting for specific scenarios based on the set scenario. After setting specific scenarios, developers can still call specific api to set specific parameters if they have customized parameter settings.
eventHandler Event notification callback. [nullptr] means not receiving any callback notifications.It can also be managed later via [setEventHandler]


public void destroyEngine ( *&IZegoExpressEngine engine, ZegoDestroyCompletionCallback callback)

Destroy engine singleton object asynchronously.

engine engine instance that created by createEngine method
callback Notification callback for destroy engine completion. Developers can listen to this callback to ensure that device hardware resources are released. This callback is only used to notify the completion of the release of internal resources of the engine. Developers cannot release resources related to the engine within this callback. If the developer only uses SDK to implement audio and video functions, this parameter can be passed [nullptr].


public IZegoExpressEngine * getEngine ()

Returns engine singleton instance.


public void setEngineConfig (ZegoEngineConfig config)

Set the advanced engine configuration, which will only take effect before create engine.

config Advanced engine configuration


public std::string getVersion ()

Get SDK version number.


public void setAndroidEnv (void * jvm, void * context)

Set JVM and Context for Android platform.