
Advanced room configuration.

Declared in ZegoExpressDefines.h


Public-Attrib Lists

  • maxMemberCount - The maximum number of users in the room, Passing 0 means unlimited, the default is unlimited.
  • isUserStatusNotify - Whether to enable the user in and out of the room callback notification [onRoomUserUpdate], the default is off.
  • token - The token issued by the developer's business server is used to ensure security.

Public-Func Lists

Public-Attrib Docs


public unsigned int maxMemberCount ()

The maximum number of users in the room, Passing 0 means unlimited, the default is unlimited.


public bool isUserStatusNotify ()

Whether to enable the user in and out of the room callback notification [onRoomUserUpdate], the default is off.


public std::string token ()

The token issued by the developer's business server is used to ensure security.

Public-Func Docs


public ZegoRoomConfig ()