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Enumeration ZegoAudioCodecID

Audio codec ID.


Enumeration members

Enumeration members


Default: = 0

Default, determined by the [scenario] when calling [createEngine].


Low: = 4

Not recommended; if you need to use it, please contact ZEGO technical support. Can only be used for RTC streaming.


Low2: = 5

Not recommended; if you need to use it, please contact ZEGO technical support. Can only be used for RTC streaming; maximum bitrate is 16kbps.


Low3: = 6

Can only be used for RTC streaming; bitrate range from 6kbps to 192kbps; supports stereo; latency is around 200ms; Under the same bitrate (low bitrate), the sound quality is significantly better than [Normal] and [Normal2]; low CPU overhead. Server cloud transcoding is not required when communicating with the Web SDK, and it is required when relaying to CDN.


Normal: = 1

Can be used for RTC and CDN streaming; bitrate range from 10kbps to 128kbps; supports stereo; latency is around 500ms. Server cloud transcoding is required when communicating with the Web SDK, and it is not required when relaying to CDN.


Normal2: = 2

Can be used for RTC and CDN streaming; good compatibility; bitrate range from 16kbps to 192kbps; supports stereo; latency is around 350ms; the sound quality is worse than [Normal] in the same (low) bitrate. Server cloud transcoding is required when communicating with the Web SDK, and it is not required when relaying to CDN.


Normal3: = 3

Not recommended; if you need to use it, please contact ZEGO technical support. Can only be used for RTC streaming.

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