The advanced configuration, such as specifying video encoding and others. If you need to use it, contact ZEGO technical support.
The audio configuration of the mix stream task object
The background image of the mix stream task object
Enable or disable sound level callback for the task. If enabled, then the remote player can get the soundLevel of every stream in the inputlist by [onMixerSoundLevelUpdate] callback.
The input stream list for the mix stream task object
The output list of the mix stream task object
Mix stream task ID, a string of up to 256 characters. You cannot include URL keywords, otherwise publishing stream and playing stream will fails. Only support numbers, English characters and '~', '!', '@', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '+', '=', '-', '`', ';', '’', ',', '.', '<', '>', '/', ''.
The video configuration of the mix stream task object
The watermark of the mix stream task object
Generated using TypeDoc
Mix stream task object.
This class is the configuration class of the stream mixing task. When a stream mixing task is requested to the ZEGO RTC server, the configuration of the stream mixing task is required. This class describes the detailed configuration information of this stream mixing task.