
Beauty configuration options.

Declared in entity/

Public-Attrib Lists

  • polishStep - The sample step size of beauty peeling, the value range is [0,1], default 0.2.
  • whitenFactor - Brightness parameter for beauty and whitening, the larger the value, the brighter the brightness, ranging from [0,1], default 0.5.
  • sharpenFactor - Beauty sharpening parameter, the larger the value, the stronger the sharpening, value range [0,1], default 0.1.

Public-Attrib Docs


public double polishStep ()

The sample step size of beauty peeling, the value range is [0,1], default 0.2.


public double whitenFactor ()

Brightness parameter for beauty and whitening, the larger the value, the brighter the brightness, ranging from [0,1], default 0.5.


public double sharpenFactor ()

Beauty sharpening parameter, the larger the value, the stronger the sharpening, value range [0,1], default 0.1.