
Video transmission mode when current bitrate is lower than the set minimum bitrate.

Declared in constants/

Public-Attrib Lists

  • NO_VIDEO - Stop video transmission when current bitrate is lower than the set minimum bitrate.
  • ULTRA_LOW_FPS - Video is sent at a very low frequency (no more than 2fps) which is lower than the set minimum bitrate.

Public-Func Lists

Public-Static-Func Lists

Public-Attrib Docs


public NO_VIDEO ()

Initial: NO_VIDEO =(0)

Stop video transmission when current bitrate is lower than the set minimum bitrate.


public ULTRA_LOW_FPS ()

Initial: ULTRA_LOW_FPS =(1)

Video is sent at a very low frequency (no more than 2fps) which is lower than the set minimum bitrate.

Public-Func Docs


public int value ()

Public-Static-Func Docs


public ZegoTrafficControlMinVideoBitrateMode getZegoTrafficControlMinVideoBitrateMode (int value)