Include By
- ZegoExpressEventHandler.h
- ZegoExpressEngine+MediaPlayer.h
- Foundation/Foundation.h
- CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h
- AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h
- ZegoExpressErrorCode.h
- UIKit/UIKit.h
Inner Class
Define Lists
Enum Lists
Typedef Lists
Define Docs
Initial: ZGView UIView
Initial: ZGImage UIImage
Enum Docs
Application scenario.
Enumerator | |
ZegoScenarioGeneral | General scenario. |
ZegoScenarioCommunication | Communication scenario. |
ZegoScenarioLive | Live scenario. |
Enumerator | |
ZegoLanguageEnglish | English. |
ZegoLanguageChinese | Chinese. |
Room state.
Enumerator | |
ZegoRoomStateDisconnected | Unconnected state, enter this state before logging in and after exiting the room. If there is a steady state abnormality in the process of logging in to the room, such as AppID and AppSign are incorrect, or if the same user name is logged in elsewhere and the local end is KickOut, it will enter this state. |
ZegoRoomStateConnecting | The state that the connection is being requested. It will enter this state after successful execution login room function. The display of the application interface is usually performed using this state. If the connection is interrupted due to poor network quality, the SDK will perform an internal retry and will return to the requesting connection status. |
ZegoRoomStateConnected | The status that is successfully connected. Entering this status indicates that the login to the room has been successful. The user can receive the callback notification of the user and the stream information in the room. |
Publish channel.
Enumerator | |
ZegoPublishChannelMain | Main publish channel. |
ZegoPublishChannelAux | Auxiliary publish channel. |
Video rendering mode.
Enumerator | |
ZegoViewModeAspectFit | The proportional scaling up, there may be black borders. |
ZegoViewModeAspectFill | The proportional zoom fills the entire View and may be partially cut. |
ZegoViewModeScaleToFill | Fill the entire view, the image may be stretched. |
Mirror mode for previewing or playing the of the stream.
Enumerator | |
ZegoVideoMirrorModeOnlyPreviewMirror | The mirror image only for previewing locally. This mode is used by default. |
ZegoVideoMirrorModeBothMirror | Both the video previewed locally and the far end playing the stream will see mirror image. |
ZegoVideoMirrorModeNoMirror | Both the video previewed locally and the far end playing the stream will not see mirror image. |
ZegoVideoMirrorModeOnlyPublishMirror | The mirror image only for far end playing the stream. |
Publish stream status.
Enumerator | |
ZegoPublisherStateNoPublish | The state is not published, and it is in this state before publishing the stream. If a steady-state exception occurs in the publish process, such as AppID and AppSign are incorrect, or if other users are already publishing the stream, there will be a failure and enter this state. |
ZegoPublisherStatePublishRequesting | The state that it is requesting to publish the stream. After the publish stream interface is successfully called, and the application interface is usually displayed using the state. If the connection is interrupted due to poor network quality, the SDK will perform an internal retry and will return to the requesting state. |
ZegoPublisherStatePublishing | The state that the stream is being published, entering the state indicates that the stream has been successfully published, and the user can communicate normally. |
Video configuration resolution and bitrate preset enumeration. The preset resolutions are adapted for mobile and desktop. On mobile, height is longer than width, and desktop is the opposite. For example, 1080p is actually 1080(w) x 1920(h) on mobile and 1920(w) x 1080(h) on desktop.
Enumerator | |
ZegoVideoConfigPreset180P | Set the resolution to 320x180, the default is 15 fps, the code rate is 300 kbps. |
ZegoVideoConfigPreset270P | Set the resolution to 480x270, the default is 15 fps, the code rate is 400 kbps. |
ZegoVideoConfigPreset360P | Set the resolution to 640x360, the default is 15 fps, the code rate is 600 kbps. |
ZegoVideoConfigPreset540P | Set the resolution to 960x540, the default is 15 fps, the code rate is 1200 kbps. |
ZegoVideoConfigPreset720P | Set the resolution to 1280x720, the default is 15 fps, the code rate is 1500 kbps. |
ZegoVideoConfigPreset1080P | Set the resolution to 1920x1080, the default is 15 fps, the code rate is 3000 kbps. |
Stream quality level.
Enumerator | |
ZegoStreamQualityLevelExcellent | Excellent. |
ZegoStreamQualityLevelGood | Good. |
ZegoStreamQualityLevelMedium | Normal. |
ZegoStreamQualityLevelBad | Bad. |
ZegoStreamQualityLevelDie | Failed. |
Audio channel type.
Enumerator | |
ZegoAudioChannelMono | MONO. |
ZegoAudioChannelStereo | STEREO. |
Audio Codec ID.
Enumerator | |
ZegoAudioCodecIDDefault | default |
ZegoAudioCodecIDNormal | Normal. |
ZegoAudioCodecIDNormal2 | Normal2. |
ZegoAudioCodecIDNormal3 | Normal3. |
ZegoAudioCodecIDLow | Low. |
ZegoAudioCodecIDLow2 | Low2. |
ZegoAudioCodecIDLow3 | Low3. |
Video Codec ID.
Enumerator | |
ZegoVideoCodecIDDefault | default |
ZegoVideoCodecIDSVC | SVC. |
ZegoVideoCodecIDVP8 | VP8. |
Player video layer.
Enumerator | |
ZegoPlayerVideoLayerAuto | The layer to be played depends on the network status. |
ZegoPlayerVideoLayerBase | Play the base layer (small resolution) |
ZegoPlayerVideoLayerBaseExtend | Play the extend layer (big resolution) |
Audio echo cancellation mode.
Enumerator | |
ZegoAECModeAggressive | Aggressive echo cancellation may affect the sound quality slightly, but the echo will be very clean. |
ZegoAECModeMedium | Moderate echo cancellation, which may slightly affect a little bit of sound, but the residual echo will be less. |
ZegoAECModeSoft | Comfortable echo cancellation, that is, echo cancellation does not affect the sound quality of the sound, and sometimes there may be a little echo, but it will not affect the normal listening. |
Traffic control property (bitmask enumeration)
Enumerator | |
ZegoTrafficControlPropertyBasic | Basic. |
ZegoTrafficControlPropertyAdaptiveFPS | Adaptive FPS. |
ZegoTrafficControlPropertyAdaptiveResolution | Adaptive resolution. |
ZegoTrafficControlPropertyAdaptiveAudioBitrate | Adaptive Audio bitrate. |
Video transmission mode when current bitrate is lower than the set minimum bitrate.
Enumerator | |
ZegoTrafficControlMinVideoBitrateModeNoVideo | Stop video transmission when current bitrate is lower than the set minimum bitrate. |
ZegoTrafficControlMinVideoBitrateModeUltraLowFPS | Video is sent at a very low frequency (no more than 2fps) which is lower than the set minimum bitrate. |
Playing stream status.
Enumerator | |
ZegoPlayerStateNoPlay | The state of the flow is not played, and it is in this state before the stream is played. If the steady flow anomaly occurs during the playing process, such as AppID and AppSign are incorrect, it will enter this state. |
ZegoPlayerStatePlayRequesting | The state that the stream is being requested for playing. After the stream playing interface is successfully called, it will enter the state, and the application interface is usually displayed using this state. If the connection is interrupted due to poor network quality, the SDK will perform an internal retry and will return to the requesting state. |
ZegoPlayerStatePlaying | The state that the stream is being playing, entering the state indicates that the stream has been successfully played, and the user can communicate normally. |
Media event when playing.
Enumerator | |
ZegoPlayerMediaEventAudioBreakOccur | Audio stuck event when playing. |
ZegoPlayerMediaEventAudioBreakResume | Audio stuck event recovery when playing. |
ZegoPlayerMediaEventVideoBreakOccur | Video stuck event when playing. |
ZegoPlayerMediaEventVideoBreakResume | Video stuck event recovery when playing. |
Update type.
Enumerator | |
ZegoUpdateTypeAdd | Add. |
ZegoUpdateTypeDelete | Delete. |
State of CDN relay.
Enumerator | |
ZegoStreamRelayCDNStateNoRelay | The state indicates that there is no CDN relay. |
ZegoStreamRelayCDNStateRelayRequesting | The CDN relay is being requested. |
ZegoStreamRelayCDNStateRelaying | Entering this status indicates that the CDN relay has been successful. |
Reason for state of CDN relay changed.
Enumerator | |
ZegoStreamRelayCDNUpdateReasonNone | No error. |
ZegoStreamRelayCDNUpdateReasonServerError | Server error. |
ZegoStreamRelayCDNUpdateReasonHandshakeFailed | Handshake error. |
ZegoStreamRelayCDNUpdateReasonAccessPointError | Access point error. |
ZegoStreamRelayCDNUpdateReasonCreateStreamFailed | Stream create failure. |
ZegoStreamRelayCDNUpdateReasonBadName | Bad name. |
ZegoStreamRelayCDNUpdateReasonCDNServerDisconnected | CDN server actively disconnected. |
ZegoStreamRelayCDNUpdateReasonDisconnected | Active disconnect. |
Beauty feature (bitmask enumeration)
Enumerator | |
ZegoBeautifyFeatureNone | No beautifying. |
ZegoBeautifyFeaturePolish | Polish. |
ZegoBeautifyFeatureWhiten | Sharpen. |
ZegoBeautifyFeatureSkinWhiten | Skin whiten. |
ZegoBeautifyFeatureSharpen | Whiten. |
Remote device status.
Enumerator | |
ZegoRemoteDeviceStateOpen | Device on. |
ZegoRemoteDeviceStateGenericError | General device error. |
ZegoRemoteDeviceStateInvalidID | Invalid device ID. |
ZegoRemoteDeviceStateNoAuthorization | No permission. |
ZegoRemoteDeviceStateZeroFPS | Captured frame rate is 0. |
ZegoRemoteDeviceStateInUseByOther | The device is occupied. |
ZegoRemoteDeviceStateUnplugged | The device is not plugged in or unplugged. |
ZegoRemoteDeviceStateRebootRequired | The system needs to be restarted. |
ZegoRemoteDeviceStateSystemMediaServicesLost | System media services stop, such as under the iOS platform, when the system detects that the current pressure is huge (such as playing a lot of animation), it is possible to disable all media related services. |
ZegoRemoteDeviceStateDisable | Capturing disabled. |
ZegoRemoteDeviceStateMute | The remote device is muted. |
ZegoRemoteDeviceStateInterruption | The device is interrupted, such as a phone call interruption, etc. |
ZegoRemoteDeviceStateInBackground | There are multiple apps at the same time in the foreground, such as the iPad app split screen, the system will prohibit all apps from using the camera. |
ZegoRemoteDeviceStateMultiForegroundApp | CDN server actively disconnected. |
ZegoRemoteDeviceStateBySystemPressure | The system is under high load pressure and may cause abnormal equipment. |
Audio device type.
Enumerator | |
ZegoAudioDeviceTypeInput | Audio input type. |
ZegoAudioDeviceTypeOutput | Audio output type. |
Mix stream content type.
Enumerator | |
ZegoMixerInputContentTypeAudio | Mix stream for audio only. |
ZegoMixerInputContentTypeVideo | Mix stream for both audio and video. |
Capture pipeline scale mode.
Enumerator | |
ZegoCapturePipelineScaleModePre | Zoom immediately after acquisition, default. |
ZegoCapturePipelineScaleModePost | Scaling while encoding. |
Video frame format.
Enumerator | |
ZegoVideoFrameFormatUnknown | Unknown format, will take platform default. |
ZegoVideoFrameFormatI420 | I420 (YUV420Planar) format. |
ZegoVideoFrameFormatNV12 | NV12 (YUV420SemiPlanar) format. |
ZegoVideoFrameFormatNV21 | NV21 (YUV420SemiPlanar) format. |
ZegoVideoFrameFormatBGRA32 | BGRA32 format. |
ZegoVideoFrameFormatRGBA32 | RGBA32 format. |
ZegoVideoFrameFormatARGB32 | ARGB32 format. |
ZegoVideoFrameFormatABGR32 | ABGR32 format. |
ZegoVideoFrameFormatI422 | I422 (YUV422Planar) format. |
Video frame buffer type.
Enumerator | |
ZegoVideoBufferTypeUnknown | Raw data type video frame. |
ZegoVideoBufferTypeRawData | Raw data type video frame. |
ZegoVideoBufferTypeGLTexture2D | Texture 2D type video frame. |
ZegoVideoBufferTypeCVPixelBuffer | CVPixelBuffer type video frame. |
Video frame format series.
Enumerator | |
ZegoVideoFrameFormatSeriesRGB | RGB series. |
ZegoVideoFrameFormatSeriesYUV | YUV series. |
Video frame flip mode.
Enumerator | |
ZegoVideoFlipModeNone | No flip. |
ZegoVideoFlipModeX | X-axis flip. |
Audio Config Preset.
Enumerator | |
ZegoAudioConfigPresetBasicQuality | basic-quality |
ZegoAudioConfigPresetStandardQuality | standard-quality |
ZegoAudioConfigPresetStandardQualityStereo | standard-quality-stereo |
ZegoAudioConfigPresetHighQuality | high-quality |
ZegoAudioConfigPresetHighQualityStereo | high-quality-stereo |
Player state.
Enumerator | |
ZegoMediaPlayerStateNoPlay | Not playing. |
ZegoMediaPlayerStatePlaying | Playing. |
ZegoMediaPlayerStatePausing | Pausing. |
ZegoMediaPlayerStatePlayEnded | End of play. |
Player network event.
Enumerator | |
ZegoMediaPlayerNetworkEventBufferBegin | Network resources are not playing well, and start trying to cache data. |
ZegoMediaPlayerNetworkEventBufferEnded | Network resources can be played smoothly. |
Typedef Docs
public void(^ ZegoDestroyCompletionCallback
Callback for asynchronous destruction completion.
public void(^ ZegoPublisherSetStreamExtraInfoCallback
Callback for updating stream extra information.
Parameters | |
errorCode | Error code, please refer to the common error code document [] for details |
public void(^ ZegoPublisherUpdateCdnUrlCallback
Callback for add/remove CDN URL.
Parameters | |
errorCode | Error code, please refer to the common error code document [] for details |
public void(^ ZegoMixerStartCallback
Results of starting a mixer task.
Parameters | |
errorCode | Error code, please refer to the common error code document [] for details |
extendedData | Extended Information |
public void(^ ZegoMixerStopCallback
Results of stoping a mixer task.
Parameters | |
errorCode | Error code, please refer to the common error code document [] for details |
public void(^ ZegoIMSendBroadcastMessageCallback
Callback for sending broadcast messages.
Parameters | |
errorCode | Error code, please refer to the common error code document [] for details |
messageID | ID of this message |
public void(^ ZegoIMSendBarrageMessageCallback
Callback for sending barrage message.
Parameters | |
errorCode | Error code, please refer to the common error code document [] for details |
messageID | ID of this message |
public void(^ ZegoIMSendCustomCommandCallback
Callback for sending custom command.
Parameters | |
errorCode | Error code, please refer to the common error code document [] for details |
public void(^ ZegoMediaPlayerLoadResourceCallback
Callback for media player loads resources.
Parameters | |
errorCode | Error code, please refer to the common error code document [] for details |
public void(^ ZegoMediaPlayerSeekToCallback
Callback for media player seek to playback progress.
Parameters | |
errorCode | Error code, please refer to the common error code document [] for details |